Setup Email and SMS templates

The next step after adding your review sources is to set up your invitation templates. This will serve as the foundation of the invites that you’ll be sending to your customers. Sending review invitations either via email or SMS is a great way to ask for reviews and improve your online presence.

Setting up your email templates

To build your email templates:

  1. Click Invitations located on your dashboard’s menu. This will open the sub-functions under Invitations.
  2. Click Templates,by default, you’ll be automatically directed to the email templates page.
  3. You will see a green + New Template button and clicking it will open the template builder. You can either use the layouts available on the template builder or code your template depending on your preference.

Customizing your templates

Our template builders are equipped with variables that you can use to insert your customer details, such as their name, email address, order ID and more. This helps your invites to look more personal. On top of it, you can also add images, links or set a different background color to make your templates more appealing to your audience.

Unsubscribing to invitations

You can add {{unsubscribe_link}} to all your templates so any customers who want to opt-out from receiving invites from you can do so by clicking the unsubscribe link, which will be populated on the email once you add the variable.

Subject Lines

Just like your email templates, you can also set your subject lines and customize it as you wish. You can include variables to inject your customer’s name to make it more friendly and personal.

Setting up your SMS templates

You can set your SMS templates similar to how you set up your email templates.

  1. Once you’re already on the Templates page, click on the SMS tab where you will see a green + New Template button. This will lead you to the SMS template builder.
  2. Next, is to set your preferred template name. This will help you easily identify your templates in case you’ll be using multiple templates for your invites.
  3. Add your desired message to the text field. You can use variables to inject customer details such as their name, order ID and even your review us landing page link where your customers can leave their reviews. You can also include your logo to make the SMS invite as personal as possible.


  • Your SMS template can only include up to 160 characters including the spaces so make sure to keep it short and simple.
  • Your SMS invites are sent from a shared phone number.

Nice job on your templates! Let’s keep your momentum rolling by setting up and adding your templates to a campaign.

You can jump to Adding customers to the dashboard if your account manager has already set up your campaign.